Effective Date: 01/01/2023

ZIGMAVERSE Student Agreement

This ZIGMAVERSE Student Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into between [ZIGMAVERSE (PVT) LTD.], referred to as “ZIGMAVERSE,” and the student, referred to as “Student.” By accessing and using ZIGMAVERSE’s services, the Student agrees to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined below:

1. Course Materials and Usage

a. Prohibition of Downloading: Student agrees not to download, copy, record, or otherwise reproduce any course materials, videos, or content provided by ZIGMAVERSE without explicit written permission from ZIGMAVERSE.

b. Sharing of Login Information: Student acknowledges that sharing login credentials, including usernames and passwords, is strictly prohibited. Access to ZIGMAVERSE is for the individual registered student only.

c. Consequences of Violations: ZIGMAVERSE reserves the right to take immediate action if a Student is found to have violated these provisions, including but not limited to suspension or termination of the Student’s account without refund.

2. Copyright and Intellectual Property

a. Ownership: All course content, materials, and resources provided by ZIGMAVERSE are protected by copyright laws and are the intellectual property of ZIGMAVERSE (PVT) LTD.

b. Limited Use: Student may use ZIGMAVERSE’s content solely for personal, non-commercial educational purposes. Any use beyond this scope requires express written permission from ZIGMAVERSE.

3. Student Conduct

a. Respectful Behavior: Student agrees to engage in respectful and appropriate behavior when interacting with instructors, fellow students, and any ZIGMAVERSE staff.

b. Compliance with Laws: Student agrees to comply with all applicable laws and regulations while using ZIGMAVERSE.

4. Termination of Student Account

ZIGMAVERSE reserves the right to terminate or suspend a Student’s account, without notice, for any violation of this Agreement, including but not limited to unauthorized downloading, sharing of login information, or any other breach of these terms.

5. Privacy and Data Protection

Student acknowledges and agrees to the terms outlined in ZIGMAVERSE’s Privacy Policy, which governs the collection and use of personal information.

6. Amendments

ZIGMAVERSE may amend this Student Agreement at any time, with or without notice, by posting the revised terms on the ZIGMAVERSE website. It is the Student’s responsibility to review this Agreement periodically for changes.

7. Contact Information

If Student has any questions or concerns regarding this Agreement or ZIGMAVERSE’s services, please contact ZIGMAVERSE 076 97 97 997 –  info@zigmaverse.com